Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sensing another's thoughts

Sensing Another's Thoughts

I did not call this post "mindreading" because it sounds hokey and because I'm talking about something that doesn't happen on command. 
I have experienced this phenomenon many times but only with a few people. 
The experience I'm writing about today is one of my favorites because it brings back happy childhood memories. 
A new girl moved into my neighborhood when I was 11 years old. She was 10. We will call her Taylor. Taylor and I hit it off from the get-go. We remained friends until about age 20 when she married. Taylor was a one friend type of person. 
Her house was on the street behind my house. I could walk 2 doors down, walk down their driveway, around the house to their back yard and eventually be in Taylor's back yard. It was always shady in those two yards with lots of tall pine trees. It wasn't always cool. This is Georgia I'm talking about. Every day during that long summer, Taylor would ring my phone and simply state. "Meet me in the middle." We would get together and practice our cheers, shoot hoops, walk, sit and talk, give one another manicures, and other things young girls do - secret things. 
One breezy Saturday after we had started back to school, I felt like I was supposed to meet Taylor in the middle. I started walking and, once I reached the neighbors backyard, I could see Taylor coming. She said, "You heard me." From that day forward, phone calls were unnecessary. 
We were so happy that summer. However, we did get into trouble for making a path of worn grass through the neighbors yard. 
Taylor and I were thick as thieves. We dressed alike, looked alike, and were often asked if we were sisters. 
There is a song I hear every great now and then that reminds me of Taylor. I hope she has as many fond memories as I have from those years we were beast friends. 

*Lyrics to the song:

            Meet in the Middle
               By Diamond Rio

It was seven hundred fenceposts from your place to ours
Neither one of us was old enough to drive a car
Sometimes it was raining, sometimes it would shine
We wore out that gravel road between your house and mine

I'd start walking your way
You'd start walking mine
We'd meet in the middle
'Neath that old Georgia pine
We'd gain a lot of ground
'Cause we'd both give a little
And their ain't no road to long
When you meet in the middle

It's been seven years tomorrow since we said our vows
Under that old pine tree, you ought to see it now
Standing in the back yard reminding me and you
That if we don't see eye to eye there's something we can do

I'd start walking your way
You'd start walking mine
We'd meet in the middle
'Neath that old Georgia pine
We'd gain a lot of ground
'Cause we'd both give a little
And their ain't no road to long
When you meet in the middle.

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